Gaye Ott

How do I help our clients live better lives?
Ensuring you feel taken care of, acknowledged and understood is the desire of our talented and committed team. To build strong and genuine relationships and to serve you on a personal level is the very best part of my day! I love the fact that part of my job is to help reduce your financial stress. Out of all of my responsibilities, whether it’s opening new accounts, moving money or finding creative solutions to whatever may come up, I’m a reliable resource and a stickler for detail and one who won’t quit until it’s finished.
How do I spend my time away from HWM?
I love being greeted by our Welsh Corgi, Cabbie, when I come home, and I love spending time with my husband and our girls. On the weekends you can find us cooking, wine tasting, listening to great music-which includes singing along-and taking in a good movie. My hubby and I love to travel and hang out together. We are always dreaming of our next great adventure.