David Hohimer

How do I help our clients live better lives?
Often, clients say that I help them “live a life without stress over their financial situation”. HWM’s clients are more than accounts, they are a personal relationship that I feel an obligation to help and steward their financial resources.
How do I spend my time away from HWM?
I started an urban youth football club in west Seattle 12 yrs. ago with a friend with the intent of helping intercity youth learn life lessons and play the game of football. I coach players, teach coaches and learn from parents how this intermural sport connects the community together. I am having fun!
David Hohimer has earned his CPWA . As a Certified Private Wealth Advisor, David understands what it takes to manage the complexities of wealth. He takes a holistic approach and identifies strategies to minimize taxes, monetize and protect assets, maximize growth, and transfer wealth. Awarded through the Investment Management Consultants Association, this marks the completion of coursework in advanced wealth management strategies at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
David Hohimer have earned their AIF certification which focuses on the legal standards that require fiduciaries to prudently manage investment decisions.